Search Results
Flood frequency estimation in groundwater-dominated catchments - Clare Waller & Duncan Faulkner
FEH Statistical Method: Estimating QMED - Demonstration in WINFAP 4
The FEH22 rainfall DDF model & updates to the FEH Web Service
FEH Statistical Method: Estimating Growth Curves - Demonstration in WINFAP 4
Introduction to WINFAP 5
FEH Datasets: An introduction to the main datasets used within the FEH methods.
BHS Pennines: A Rainfall-Runoff-Quality model to assess whole-catchment pollution risks
BHS Pennines: 'UKFE'! What is it and what can it do for you? - Anthony Hammond (JBA Consulting)
BHS Pennines: Recent application of GR6J rainfall-runoff modelling - Tom Beskeen (Mott MacDonald)
BHS Pennines: Effects of flooding on the stability of rail embankments - Iain Johnston (U. of Leeds)
The Future of Hydrological Forecasting by Dr Chris White (University of Strathclyde)
BHS Pennines: Mine water heating in Great Britain – from research to construction of heat networks